Quick Combos: Asian Pears, Asian Greens, Winter Squash, Corn, Sweet Potatoes



Quick Combos: Asian Pears, Asian Greens, Winter Squash, Corn, Sweet Potatoes

Texas Asian pears are a crisp, mild addition to the late summer harvest. These pears are firmer than most and because their texture resembles an apple, they often substitute well for apples in recipes. Asian pears are great on a salad, baked cobbler, or even a sharp cheddar cheese quesadilla.

This week, try an Asian greens saute, curried winter squash, creamed corn or miso-roasted sweet potatoes.

Asian Pears

Slice pears paper thin and layer on a tortilla with sharp cheddar for savory quesadillas with a hint of sweetness.

Asian Greens

Saute Asian greens in toasted sesame oil, sprinkle with soy and serve over hot jasmine rice with a fried egg on top.

Winter Squash

Try winter squash curry–combine 2 T Thai red curry paste and 1 can coconut milk in a large saucepan. Add cubed, peeled winter squash and simmer until tender. Add a squeeze of lime juice and 2 T fish sauce and serve with rice and chopped cilantro.


For old-fashioned creamed corn, shave kernels of shucked cobs halfway through, then run over them again with your knife, cutting all the way to the cob. Scrape the back of your knife down the cob to press out all the corn juices and pulp. Melt 1 T butter per ear in a skillet with high sides, then add kernels, juice and pulp and a generous pinch of salt and cook, covered, until fragrant and tender, about 5-7 minutes.

Sweet Potatoes

Miso-roasted sweet potatoes with rock your world. Toss cubed, peeled sweet potatoes with 2 T melted butter, 2 T brown sugar, and 2 T miso (any variety). Toss well, place in a single layer on a sheet pan and roast at 400 until tender and beginning to caramelize, about 15-20 minutes.

Posted in Appetizers & Snacks, Vegetable & Side Dishes

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