Air Fryer Baked Egg In Avocado

Ingredients: 1 large avocado 2 eggs Salt & Pepper to taste Instructions: Cut avocados in half and remove the seed. You may want to carve out a little extra meat to make space for the egg. You can also cut Read on!
Ingredients: 1 large avocado 2 eggs Salt & Pepper to taste Instructions: Cut avocados in half and remove the seed. You may want to carve out a little extra meat to make space for the egg. You can also cut Read on!
Who knew a recipe could get us all excited with just a word? Shakshuka is awfully fun to say, but even more fun when you realize how delicious it is. An easy way to make dinner out of a few Read on!
*Adapted from Bon Appetit Magazine Ingredients: 1 Pie Dough, cold 1 lb. peaches, cut into ¾”-thick wedges 1 lb. plums, cut into ¾”-thick wedges 2 tsp. cornstarch 1 tsp. finely grated lime zest 1 tsp. kosher salt ⅓ cup sugar, Read on!
Time: 60 minutes Serves 6 Ingredients: ½ lb Strawberries 1 lb Rhubarb stalks, leaves discarded 1 c White Sugar 1 Lemon, finely zested 1 tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract 1 ½ tbsp. Cornstarch ½ tsp. Salt 12 oz Farmhouse Kitchen Gluten Read on!
Thai Breakfast Bowl Something kind of extraordinary happens the moment you give yourself permission to eat breakfast outside of the box – the boundaries you imagined to exist around early morning routine melt away and you’re left with a heaping plate Read on!
Thanksgiving Leftovers Inspiration It’s the day after Thanksgiving. You’re starving, but you just spent the entire previous day cooking up a storm. Not to mention the leftovers! You’re ready to order a pizza–but wait! Hold the phone! Why waste all Read on!
Toast 10 Ways If you’re not on the toast train yet, now’s the time to hop on. There’s no better quick meal fix than this classic food. Whether an on-the-go breakfast, a stash away snack for the office or a Read on!
Without A Recipe: Sweet Potato Greens Popular in many Asian and African cuisines, sweet potato greens are the sleeper green of the season. With a refreshing balance of earthy flavors and a hint of sweetness, these greens offer a desirable alternative in the leafy greens Read on!
Without a Recipe: Berries Summer’s all about a windfall of berries: black, blue and dew. If you can keep yourself from devouring them by the handful, here are some great ways to enjoy the harvest. Stir fresh or frozen berries Read on!