Green Shakshuka

Who knew a recipe could get us all excited with just a word? Shakshuka is awfully fun to say, but even more fun when you realize how delicious it is. An easy way to make dinner out of a few handfuls of greens and some eggs, it takes all of about ten minutes to go from “I’m hungry” to your plate. Use any greens you have on hand – vegans can replace the cream with coconut milk and the eggs with some sauteed mushrooms.

Green Shakshuka



Saute onions & garlic in olive oil in a large skillet until they take on a little color. Add jalapeno and continue cooking for 1-2 minutes. Add chopped greens, season with salt and pepper to taste and cover until greens are just wilted. Add cream and bring to a simmer. Crack eggs on top of greens, cover and cook until eggs are cooked to your preference. Serve in wide bowls with a dollop of yogurt and a drizzle of hot sauce and thick slices of warm bread on the side.

Posted in Breakfast, Main Dishes, Vegetable & Side Dishes

About RecipesFHD

Our mission is to build a strong local food community by connecting our members to the farmers, ranchers and artisans who produce their food. Farmhouse Delivery partners with local farmers and ranchers to deliver the highest-quality, sustainably produced food to directly to your door. We believe that the road to a thriving, healthy local food system is paved with inspiring recipes, the freshest, tastiest food, a return to the family table and a commitment to our local community. We are passionate supporters of the local food movement, and want to make it convenient, affordable, and exciting for people to eat healthy, fresh, seasonal, local food.

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